Advaita Vedanta vs Science

It’s often claimed that Advaita Vedanta is similar to Quantum Physics, but there’s nothing tangible in the claim. Apart from that, the Shankaracaryas themselves believe that the Earth doesn’t rotate, & prolly also believe on a flat earth. Sri Karpatri Maharaj was one of the most scholarly Shankaracarya, & the most renowned authority of Adi-shankaracarya’s lineage, and he himself dedicated many pages thrashing Isaac Newton and many other renowned scientists in his attempt to prove that the Earth doesn’t rotate. Refer his book ‘Vedartha Parijat’, pages 1294 to 1300, or one can check the following video:

Factually, most of the renowned theistic scientists were dualists, opposed to Advaita. Sir Isaac Newton as such, was a very devoted Christian, a very hardcore dualist. He had specially written a work called ‘A short Schem of the true Religion’, where he refutes Atheism, and supports Christianity.

Physicist Ernest Walton was also a hardcore dualist. He had won the 1951 Nobel Prize in Physics for his “atom smashing” experiments done at Cambridge University in the early 1930s, and so became the first person in history to artificially split the atom. Walton has been described as someone who was strongly committed to the Christian faith. He even gave lectures about the relationship of science and religion in several countries after he won the Nobel Prize, and he encouraged the progress of science as a way to know more about God.

Robert Boyle was also a dualist. He is largely regarded today as the first modern chemist, and therefore one of the founders of modern chemistry, and one of the pioneers of modern experimental scientific method. He is best known for Boyle’s law, which describes the inversely proportional relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas, if the temperature is kept constant within a closed system. Among his works, The Sceptical Chymist is seen as a cornerstone book in the field of chemistry. Boyle’s most significant religious works are Some Considerations Touching the Style of the Holy Scriptures (1661), The Excellency of Theology, Compared with Natural Philosophy (1674), and The Christian Virtuoso (1690). In his will Robert Boyle left funds for eight annual lectures (the famous Boyle Lectures, which still continue) “for proving the Christian Religion against notorious Infidels.” In his will, Boyle provided money for a series of lectures to defend the Christian religion against Atheism, and other rivals of their religion.

And many more.

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